Laboratory practices, operational procedures, and ethics

This page is to provide members and students (KM/internships) with common resources or tutorials

Please be aware that the APC group does not manage some of these links. Different tracking or privacy policies may occur.

Laboratory practices

Lab equipment SOPs


SEM reservation sheet at Prasmul

It is mandatory to attach this .docx sheet before sending SEM samples to Prasmul. Add the proper expected image and references as well, so the operator will be able to find the perfect spot for your paper.

Software and tutorials

Drawing a good figure

Profex for X-ray diffraction Rietveld/LeBail fitting

If you use Profex for XRD fitting, you are requested to cite the following paper in the Experimental section:

FullProf for XRD Rietveld refinement

CasXPS for XPS analysis

Last updated